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Hazrat Mevlana Jalal ad-Din Rumi is an important and influential figure in the Islamic world, particularly in the Mevlevi order. Mevlana, also known as Rumi, is considered one of the most prominent representatives of Islamic mystical thought, and he is renowned as a great thinker, poet, and philosopher. He is acknowledged as a profound spiritual sage of the East and one of the greatest mystical poets of the West. Mevlana’s life, works, and ideas have made him one of the most extraordinary and captivating personalities of all time.

Life and Education

Hazrat Mevlana was born on September 30, 1207, in the city of Balkh, which is situated in present-day Afghanistan. His father, Bahauddin Veled, was a prominent scholar and thinker as well. Due to the Mongol invasions, Mevlana’s family migrated to Anatolia, and in the early 13th century, they settled in Konya, Turkey. There, Mevlana continued his education in Islamic sciences after his father’s passing.

Mevlana’s life took a different direction after he met and formed a lifelong friendship with Shams Tabrizi. Shams Tabrizi played a crucial role in Mevlana’s spiritual journey and contributed significantly to his deepening understanding. During this period, Mevlana surpassed traditional religious education and embarked on an inner journey, laying the foundation of mystical thought.

Mevlevism and the Whirling Dervishes Tradition

One of Mevlana’s most significant legacies is his role as the founder of the Mevlevi Order, also known as the Whirling Dervishes. Mevlevism is a Sufi Islamic order that focuses on love and devotion. The influence of Mevlevism has persisted even after Mevlana’s passing and continues to this day. Mevlevism is also known for its sema rituals performed by the Whirling Dervishes, where they spin in white garments, expressing their love and devotion to Allah.

Works and the Masnavi

Hazrat Mevlana authored numerous works, but his most important masterpiece is the “Masnavi,” a collection of spiritual poems and stories. The Masnavi consists of 26,000 couplets and presents the fundamental principles of Islamic mysticism, extolling the glory of love and its transcendence. Through the Masnavi, Mevlana delves into the complexities of the human inner world, the power of love, spiritual purification, and elevation, inviting readers to profound contemplation.

Philosophy and Thoughts

Hazrat Mevlana’s philosophy revolves around the unifying power of love and affection. He believed that the love of God is the reason for human existence, and individuals are connected to one another through love. Love is a central concept in Mevlana’s worldview, symbolizing the purest and most sincere devotion to God.

Mevlana’s philosophy emphasizes tolerance and understanding. He stressed the importance of people understanding and respecting one another despite their religious, linguistic, racial, and cultural differences. To live harmoniously together, Mevlana emphasized the need to abandon prejudice and nurture a heart filled with love. His thoughts carry timeless universal messages that remain relevant to this day.

Passing and Legacy

Hazrat Mevlana passed away on December 17, 1273, in Konya. His death is commemorated every year as the “Wedding Night” (Şeb-i Arus), a special day of celebration with intensified sema rituals. Mevlana’s tomb in Konya continues to attract thousands of visitors annually, and his teachings and messages of love are still conveyed to humanity.

Hazrat Mevlana Jalal ad-Din Rumi, a great Islamic philosopher, poet, and mystic, has left an indelible mark on the world with his messages of love, tolerance, and unity. His ideas continue to guide many people’s lives, and the tradition of Mevlevism plays an essential role in the spiritual journeys of individuals. Mevlana’s emphasis on love and tolerance contributes to the promotion of world peace and a sense of brotherhood among people.